Friday, September 7, 2012


“It isn't what you do, but how you do it."
–John Wooden

"Vision without execution is hallucination." -Thomas Edison

"You don't win on emotion, you win on execution." -Tony Dungy
“A really great talent finds its happiness in execution.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Success doesn't necessarily come from breakthrough innovation but from flawless execution. A great strategy alone won't win a game or a battle; the win comes from basic blocking and tackling.” -Naveen Jain

“Execution is a systematic process of rigorously discussing hows and whats, tenaciously following through, and ensuring accountability.” — Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan

“Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they be executed.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“An average plan vigorously executed is far better than a brilliant plan on which nothing is done.” -Brian Tracy

“Ideas are worthless. Execution is everything.” -Scott Adams

“I don't want to hear ideas. I just want to see the execution.” -Derek Sivers

“In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

“If you don't execute your ideas, they die.” -Roger von Oech