Friday, September 7, 2012


“Mentoring is your true legacy. It is the greatest inheritance you can give to others. And it should never end. It is why you get up every day. To teach and be taught.” -John Wooden
“The mentor leader, by contrast, looks at how he or she can benefit others – which ultimately benefits the individual and the organization. When it comes to effective leadership, it’s not about you and what makes you comfortable or helps you get ahead. It’s about other people.” –Tony Dungy

"Find a mentor. No matter who you are or what your profession is, we all need someone who can keep us grounded and speak truth into our lives. Find people who have built their lives on a solid foundation, and humble yourself to learn from them. I’ve never known a successful athlete, business person, or anyone else who has made an impact on the world who didn’t stand on the shoulders of other great men and women." –Drew Brees