Thursday, September 6, 2012


"My job as a coach is to do more than just teach the Xs and Os of the gridiron. I recently heard someone explain how the word coach came to be applied to an athletic context. The etymology of the word, at least in part, comes from the old stagecoaches that were used to transport mail, valuables, and people before the advent of motorized transportation. Whether a coach was drawn by a horse or a steam locomotive, it carried or conveyed something or someone from one place to another. If you put yourself into a coach, you knew you would end up at your desired destination. " –Jim Tressel

“I'm a basketball coach all the time. That's what I do. I don't play golf. I chase my dog, or he chases me, and I whack down some trees and bushes and play with my grandkids and drink a little bit of wine." -Mike Krzyzewski

"It's not where you coach, it's why you coach. There is no task too small, no sacrifice too big. Coaching is working with kids and teaching." –Don Meyer
"There's only one way to succeed in anything, and that is to give it everything. I do, and I demand that my players do." –Vince Lombardi

"When you're the head coach, you're the head coach 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No matter what happens, it's on your watch, and to a degree, it's your problem."  -Bill Belichick

“A coach can only do his best, nothing more, but he does owe that not only to himself but to the people who employ him and to the youngsters under his supervision.” –John Wooden

“The players don’t care if you are short or tall, black or white, a former player or not, all they care about is whether you can help them.” –Jeff Van Gundy

"As a coach, if you are not the hardest worker in the gym every day, how can you expect your team to put forth maximum effort every day?” -Pat Chovan

“My passion is to coach and do things to the best of my ability.  I want our team to get better every day.  If we can do that the other stuff will take care of itself.  And I also have a quiet personal goal to be consistently excellent.  Every time we go out on the court, I want us to play the perfect game.  Every time we play a game, I want it to be a masterpiece.” –Mike Krzyzewski

"Coaching is a means of self-expression. Successful coaches, like artists, have a characteristic style. No coach lacking a firm sense of what he wants to accomplish through his team can succeed." –Jack Ramsay

"A coach's personality, and hence the character of his team, is reflected in his philosophy of the game." –Jack Ramsay

“The best coach is the one who makes the fewest mistakes; the one who does the best teaching job; the one who is the best organizer. Writing the X’s & O’s is not the most important thing.” –Bud Wilkinson

"A coach must have an overriding purpose in life and it must be bigger than winning and losing. Develop a program so that even when you lose you win. Be respected for doing the right thing." –Don Meyer

“The difference between a good coach and an average coach is know what you want, and know what the end us supposed to look like.” –Vince Lombardi

"I'm as nauseous as I've ever been. I have a terrible headache. My head is pounding. I feel like throwing up and I'm having trouble swallowing. And the beauty of it is, you want to feel like this every day." -Tony La Russa
“The bottom line of coaching is this: It's all about getting them to play for you.” –Chuck Daly

“Wake up happy every day that you're a coach...and don't forget that during a bad practice." - Mike Krzyzewski

"The difference between a good coach and an average coach is knowing what you want, and know what the end is supposed to look like. If a coach doesn't know what the end is supposed to look like, he won't know it when he sees it." -Vince Lombardi

"In no other profession does the character and personality of a director play a more vital role in the development of young people than in the coaching of athletics." -Clair Bee

"You have to hear things you really don't want to hear; you must look at things you really don't want to see." -John Madden

"Basketball is an easy game to play, but it is a difficult game to master." -Gene Keady

“Coaching lasts only for a game, but teaching lasts a lifetime.” -Pete Newell

“I still think the most important aspects of coaching are credibility, trust, and communication. If you have those things going for you in football, you’ll win. And if you have them going for you as a business executive, you will win, too. They are the fundamental building blocks to success in any field." -Marty Schottenheimer

“More and more, guys I’m around who have played a lot of basketball or coached a lot of basketball, been involved in the game, I ask guys when they stop coaching, for example, ‘What they miss most?’ and they say, ‘Not having a team.’ They need a team to belong to.” -Jim Calhoun

"I don't ever remember wanting to be anything but a coach." –Dean Smith

"How do we get humans to be consistent, to give their best, not to get down -- this is us -- this is coaching." - Mike Krzyzewski

“Coaching isn’t about X’s and O’s, it’s about managing diversity and adversity.” –Doc Rivers

“Don’t accept in victory what you won’t accept in defeat. You can’t overlook mistakes when you win a game, because they will come back to haunt you later.” –Jeff Van Gundy

"Indomitable in victory, insufferable in defeat.”

–Woody Hayes

“Coaching is a suffering business. At the end of the season, only one coach is happy and the rest are suffering. Never trust the happiness.” –Chuck Daly

"As a coach, your high standards of performance, attention to detail and-above all-how hard you work set the stage for how your players perform."  -Don Shula